Sunday, June 26, 2011

Technology Woes

I woke up Saturday morning with a revelation - in order for me to devote my life to making a difference I have to have my house in order. By this I mean my work and home life. If I am constantly one step behind or finishing my projects just in the nick of time how will I ever have the time, energy or focus to perform the research needed to make a difference. I decided it was time. Starting today I am going to work towards getting all those pesky little projects out of the way.

Too bad I had this revelation a day too late. I turned on my desktop computer and performed my usual routine; checking my blog stats, reading emails, feeds and tweets. Then my husband checked his and down loaded a song onto his Ipod. The computer locked up, this wasn’t anything unusual locking up has been a regular occurrence lately. I got it going again and continued about my day. Later when I tried shutting it off it acted weird, but I was able to power it down. Now I can’t get it to boot up. No matter what I try nothing.

Then DH was listening to his Ipod and it went into a disk mode and he couldn’t get back to the start menu. No matter how many times he tried - nothing. Panic began settling in. I never backed up his music onto my laptop or his photos - though I do have most of his photos on disk. If we can’t get the computer going again his email contacts and favorites will be gone as well.

I was able to get his ipod going this morning and will have my IT person at my work look at my computer tomorrow, but a lot of aggravation would have been saved if I would have taken a couple of simple backup precautions while I had the chance.


  1. You might want to get Carbonite - $59 a year and it backs up every day. Very simple. Good luck.

  2. It looks that you had made a start. keep it up.

  3. Oh, don't you just hate that? Both my husband and I have iphones and they are both starting to run really slow. I think they are both going to crash and burn soon!

    Then we have a mac computer and it is getting pretty old. We bought it in 2006 and have never had a problem with it but every time I download photos, which is a lot of the time, it slows way down! I think it's time to figure out what's wrong before I lose all my photos!

  4. Oh and p.s. I'm here from the tea party :)

  5. Why do we all do this to ourselves - get lax about backing up data until we lose something important? I check Facebook and Twitter multiple times a day but can't remember to save everything once a day? I use when I DO remember, but I really need to make it a DAILY task.

  6. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Thank you for inadvertently reminding me to backup all my stuff because both my phone and laptop have been acting a little wonky lately.

    Dopped by from LBS

  7. Webb,
    Great idea. I could use one less thing to worry about.

  8. Molly,
    My SIL suggested I upload my favorite photos to Walgreens. She was so relieved she had done so when my brother's computer crashed. I uploaded my faves to their photo center this weekend.

  9. The Jammie Girl,
    I've never heard of Dropbox. How much do they charge? Why did you decide to go with them?

  10. Lauren,
    You had to redo your itunes library three times. You are scaring me.

  11. Fat Reality,
    Your welcome.

    My company IT manager did get my computer to boot up. He then did a major cleaning and defrag. He asked when I had cleaned it last. It had to have been over a year. He said I should be compressing files & defraging once a month. I guess I have to make time for computer maintenance similar to car maintenance.

  12. Hi! I'm visiting today for the LBS tea party. I have an external hard drive but I've never understood if it's doing it automatically or if I need to make it do it. It really sucks when you have to learn the hard way! You're reminding me that I really need to get that check out.

  13. Colleen,
    I think there are quite a few of us who are pretty lost when it comes to taking care of our computer. Sounds like it would make a good post. If anyone knows someone who would like to write a guest post let me know.
