I recently discovered
Darlene B. Nemeth's blog at
http://darlenebnemeth.blogspot.ca/. About two years ago Darlene embarked on a journey to travel towards inner peace and happiness. Her quest reminded me of my own
challenge to become a stronger person in my 50th year. Curious to learn more I
emailed Darlene requesting an interview. I am delighted to announce she agreed and that I will be posting a portion of our interview each day this week.
First let me introduce you to Darlene B. Nemeth and her blog:
What inspired you to create your blog Darlene B. Nemeth?
I was going through a difficult time and was searching the net for answers. Problem was I didn't know what the questions were. I just wanted…everything to be better.
I was feeling very alone and had no one to talk to who understood what I was going through. There was a lot of information out there but nothing with a personal touch. I wanted to connect to other liked minded people. Believe it or not that was when I first discovered blogging.
Around that time, my daughter found this book called
The Magic (The Secret)
. I recognized the author and thought we should give it a try. To me,
The Magic is really all about gratitude and it is through gratitude that we can change our lives for the better.
I created my blog to share our experience and hopefully help others.
To view a list of posts Darlene has written covering her journey, please
visit her website.
Can you provide a little more information about yourself?
I am Darlene and I live in southern Ontario with my wonderful family. Our home is my sanctuary - my center and I am so very grateful to have it.
I like to share my thoughts and tips as I travel on the road to inner peace and happiness. It is my goal to help as many people as I can to find sustainable happiness and inner peace. And if we attract into our lives more money, better jobs, loving relationships and awesome adventures then we will be doubly blessed.
If you would like to learn more about me, keep reading.
I work full-time as a Human Resource Manager. I love my job and look forward to going into work each day. I have a great group of coworkers who are so silly and we have been known to laugh 'til it hurts. (I wonder how the men folk at work would feel about me describing them as silly.) But seriously, we are all very dedicated employees that work well together.
As HR Manager, I get to use a variety of skills to accomplish a wide range of tasks. My role in the company allows me to help people, research, continually learn, be creative and write.
I am more than just a HR Manager. I am an artist who loves to create and appreciates the skills and efforts of other artists. The need to create is in my blood, passed down from my mother and then to my daughters and granddaughters.
I also consider myself a writer. I kept a daily journal throughout my teens and early twenties. Since then I researched and created a 2 Human Resource Manuals, 2 Health and Safety Manuals, an Accounting Manual, a few short stories (for my entertainment only) and a couple of blogs under another name.
My most rewarding role in this life is being the mother of three wonderful, beautiful, intelligent, sweet girls and grandmother to three adorable, smart, happy girls. I am extremely fortunate to have good relationships with my daughters and my grand-babies. I am blessed. I get hugs and kisses every day.
When I am not working or spending time with my hubby and girls, I am creating or hunting for treasures. (Of course house work, laundry, yard work . . . gets squeezed in there somewhere.)
Check out my pins on
Pinterest and the items for resale at LittleShopTreasures on
Have you read Rhonda Byrne's book The Magic? If so, what did you think? Did it change your life?
Tune in tomorrow to learn how Darlene stays strong.